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IPX7 Waterproof Transmitters
32 Channels per Central Station
Bedside and Vital Sign Monitor Compatible
Bi-Directional Communication
Bed to Bed Bedside Viewing
Dual Display & Remote Monitoring Compatible
Full Disclosure Patient History
Adjustable Audible and Visual Alarms​
MFM-CMS Telemetry Central Station
Compatible with IPX7 Waterproof Telemetry Transmitters.
3 or 5 Lead ECG
With or without SPO2
Up to 32 Channels

Lightweight Design
IT 20 transmitter weighs less than 5 oz.

Long Battery Life
Long battery life with 20 second hot swap power backup.

Remote Pager
Bi-directional Nurse Call system

Lightweight Design
IT 20 transmitter weighs less than 5 oz.
Compatible with Vital Signs Bedside Monitors.
Mix it up!
Use any combination of compatible bedside monitors and waterproof telemetry transmitters
up to 32 Channels.
Compatible with Electronic Medical Record Systems.
HL7 compatible software built in.
Up to 32 Wireless Monitors can connect to a single
MFM-CMS Central Station

MFM-CMS Central Station
Compatible with HL-7 Electronic Medical Records.
Call our sales team for more information.
Be sure to ask for a free brochure!
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